Know-how & Networking


The MicroTCA Technology Lab offers trainings and workshops for beginners and advanced users in the MTCA.4 world at regular intervals. You can find an overview here.


MicroTCA.4 Training for Beginners

The Basic Training in MTCA.4 is meant for absolute beginners in the world of MTCA.


Hands-On Sessions:

Course Fee:

Upcoming Events:

MicroTCA.4 Advanced Training

The Advanced Trainings aims at users, who have done MicroTCA.4 Beginners Training or have deep MicroTCA.4 knowledge.


Hands-On Sessions:

Upcoming Courses:
We will keep you informed about next dates here.

MicroTCA Workshop

The MicroTCA Workshop for Research and Industry is firmly established as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange. The next workshop will take place in December 2024.

Main topics of the workshop:

Important dates:

In-house Trainings

We also offer in-house trainings at your company for you. Remote training can be booked as well. For more information, feel free to contact us.