Moving more together


Good cooperation begins with a good team. DESY's Innovation & Technology Transfer Department consists of experts with extensive experience in collaborations with peers, researchers, and industrial customers.

Would you like to become part of the team? Here you find our current job offers.

CTO Office

The activities for networking DESY with other innovation players are the direct responsibility of the Chief Technology Officer at DESY and his team. DESY's innovation strategy as well as a wide variety of projects relating to transfer, innovation and direct translation potential at DESY start here.

Portraitfoto von Dr. Arik Willner

Dr. Arik Willner

Chief Technology Officer / temporary Administrative Director
Positions DESY as Chief Technology Officer with industry and associations.Temporary Administrative Director at DESY since January 2024 and represented at ITT by Sabine Brock and Ilka Mahns.
+49 (0)40 8998 4888
Portraitfoto von Lena Sofie Gericke

Lena Sofie Gericke

Chief of Staff at the CTO Office / temporary Head of Administration
Lena Gericke manages Arik Willner's office and the cooperation of Innovation and Technology Transfer across DESY's management level. She is the first contact person for all content-related inquiries to Arik Willner.
+49 (0)40 8998 4405
Portraitfoto von Alexandrina Kerr

Alexandrina Kerr

Personal Assistant to the CTO
As the person responsible for the CTO's calendar, she coordinates all appointments. At the same time, she is the bridge to the administrative area at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 4812
Portraitfoto von Miriam Hufnagl

Miriam Hufnagl

Advisor Policy and Impact / temporary Chief of Staff at the CTO Office
As a political scientist with experience in formulationg and alayzing research and innovation policy, she drives concepts for measuring the impact of research infrastructures.
+49 (0)40 8998 4818

Technology Transfer Office

The colleagues in the Technology Transfer Office identify inventions with exploitation potential developed at DESY. They take care of DESY's intellectual property and manage cooperations and licenses with partners from industry. In addition, the team at the Technology Transfer Office manages DESY's internal funding line to bring inventions and ideas with market potential closer to application - the DESY Generator Program (DGP).

Portraitfoto von Dr. Ilka Mahns

Dr. Ilka Mahns

Head of the Technology Transfer Office / Group Lead ITT
This physicist also knows her way around law and regulations, and is responsible for collaborations, validation projects, and licenses. She is also currently standing in for Arik Willner as overall group lead of ITT.
+49 (0)40 8998 3647
Portraitfoto von Lan Fimmen

Lan Fimmen

Innovation Management and Patents
Advises inventors when it comes to intellectual property and patents and keeps track of technological developments at DESY. She is also responsible for the DESY Generator Program (DGP) and supports collaborations with companies.
+49 (0)40 8998 1748
Portraitfoto von Dr. Janine Fischer

Dr. Janine Fischer

Software Innovation Hub (SIH)
Coordinates the Software Innovation Hub (SIH) and is in charge of the utilization of software at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 4942
Portraitfoto von Dr. Stephanie Maier

Dr. Stephanie Maier

Innovation Management and Patents
Together with Lan Fimmen, she advises inventors and is responsible for patents.
+49 (0)40 8998 4322
Portraitfoto von Dr. Daniel Romaker

Dr. Daniel Romaker

Innovation Management
Together with Robina Geupel, he is responsible for advising scientists in the TTO n applying for third-party funding with a focus on the utilization of DESY technologies and know-how.
+49 (0)151 18412241
Portraitfoto von Robina Geupel

Robina Geupel

Innovation Management
Together with Daniel Romaker, she is responsible for advising on applications for third-party funding with a focus on the exploitation of DESY technologies and know-how. Together with Zahra Saleh, she carries out DESY-wide technology screening.
+49 (0)175 2021407
Portraitfoto von Zahra Saleh

Zahra Saleh

Innovation Management
The innovation manager is in charge of the BMBF-funded “Transferwelten” project and, together with Robina Geupel, is responsible for technology screening at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 4821
Portraitfoto von Tanja Köppen

Tanja Köppen

Administration BDO and TTO
Provides administrative support to both the Business Development and Technology Transfer Office teams, whether in proposal and contract processes, controlling, or patent management coordination.
+49 151 16478598
Portraitfoto von Britta Persson

Britta Persson

Personal Assistant to the Chief Technology Officer
As assistant to deputy group leader Ilka Mahns, she keeps an eye on all internal matters at ITT and provides support at events.
+49 (0)40 8998 4692

Business Development Office

The ITT-colleagues in the Business Development Office (BDO) are responsible for industrial services at DESY. They support and advise industrial customers on everything from industrial beam timing and material testing to prototype construction. The MicroTCA Technology Lab is also part of the BDO.

Portraitfoto von Dr. Jefferson do Rosário

Dr. Jefferson do Rosário

Head of Business Development Office
Responsible for all innovation services and the discovery and development of innovative business fields at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 4891
Portraitfoto von Oliver Wendt

Oliver Wendt

Manager Innovation Services, Business Development Office / Temporary Lead BDO
If a company approaches DESY with a question during product development, this expert identifies the appropriate scientific approach to answer it.
+49 (0)40 8998 2838
Portraitfoto von Sörne Möller

Sörne Möller

Manager Innovation Services, Business Development Office
Manages DESY's innovation services over the entire process, including calculations and quotes, measurements and quality tests, and workshop orders from industry.
+49 (0)40 8998 3305
Portraitfoto von Dr. Eva Crosas

Dr. Eva Crosas

Innovation Services Manager & Business Development
Offers consultancy and support to industrial clients and partners in the field of material sciences and life sciences, supports with finding the right experts and instruments on campus and participates in business development projects.
040 - 8998 6105
Portraitfoto von Katrin Zerbe

Katrin Zerbe

Research Associate Petra IV Innovation Case
The physicist is in charge of the innovation case for the planned new X-ray light source PETRA IV, acts as coordinator for increased collaboration with various Fraunhofer Institutes and is the contact person for cultural heritage studies at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 98084
Portraitfoto von Dr. Dirk Klugmann

Dr. Dirk Klugmann

Research Associate PETRA IV Business Case
Supports the business case for the planned new X-ray light source PETRA IV and develops new business cases for industrial applications at DESY. Supports industrial customers and partners in identifying the right experts, methods and instruments
+49 (0)40 8998 4816

Start-up Office

The Start-up Office provides advice to people interested in starting up a business and to all those interested in the topic of entrepreneurship. Starting point for networking for other innovation actors on campus and in the regions of Hamburg and Zeuthen.

Portraitfoto von Dr. Christina Frehse

Dr. Christina Frehse

Head of DESY Start-up Office, Founding Consultant
Leads the DESY Start-up Office. She brings her own start-up knowledge to the consulting process, connects those interested in founding a company on campus, and ensures an innovation-friendly ecosystem.
+49 (0)40 8998 2841
Portraitfoto von Dr. Anne-Kristin Fentz

Dr. Anne-Kristin Fentz

Projektcoordination Startup Port
Responsible for various projects related to the platform Startup Port at the DESY Start-up Office.
+49 (0)40 8998 5342
Portraitfoto von Lizzy Harmstorf

Lizzy Harmstorf

Start-up advisor - Startup Port & DESY
Responsible for advising pre-founders and start-ups on campus and as part of the Startup Port platform. She brings international marketing and business expertise to the advisory process and already has experience in the start-up business.
+49 (0)151 7266 3864
Portraitfoto von Katrin Schönert

Katrin Schönert

PETRA IV Start-uo School, Community Events
Coordinates events for the Start-up Office at DESY and ensures the development of a lively start-up community. She is experienced in project and event management.
+49 (0)40 8998 4811
Portraitfoto von Timo Christian

Timo Christian

Program Manager Future Innovators Academy
Coordinates the Future Innovators Academy, an education program of the Helmholtz Association in the field of technology transfer and spin-offs.
+49 151 14727865

Industry Relations, Communications & Marketing

The Industry Relations Team initiates contacts with potential industrial partners and customers, as well as research and development projects on a wide range of topics, e.g. on sustainable materials. The team implements as well the communication and marketing activities for innovation and technology transfer in a wider DESY network.

Portraitfoto von Dr. Sabine Brock

Dr. Sabine Brock

Deputy Chief Technology Officer, Head of Industry Relations
Acts as Deputy Chief Technology Officer. Actively networks with industry, presents DESY at trade fairs and events, and finds the right DESY expert to solve every problem.
+49 (0)40 8998 4579
Portraitfoto von Dr. Nadja Kölpin

Dr. Nadja Kölpin

Industry Relations Manager
She foucses in her role as Industry Relations Manager on building and managing networks with industry partners specifically in regard to new materials.
+49 (0)160 3669057
Portraitfoto von Christine Leue

Christine Leue

Platform Management Hi-Acts
First contact person for all questions and topics concerning the Helmholtz Innovation Platform Hi-Acts, on accelerator technologies and solutions.
+49 (0)40 8998 4934
Portraitfoto von Cecilia Farias Marchant

Cecilia Farias Marchant

Manager Marketing & Communications Hi-Acts
Cecilia is responsible for web, marketing, communication and events for the Hi-Acts platform at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 4962
Portraitfoto von Johannes Blum

Johannes Blum

Innovation Manager Hi-Acts
Johannes is the key contact for industry partners in the Hi-Acts network. He connects industry with the right expert for all topics in the area of accelerator technologies and solutions. In addition, he represents the Hi-Acts platform at various events.
+49 (0)160 7167308
Portraitfoto von Jakob Peters

Jakob Peters

Innovation Manager Hi-Acts
Jakob is responsible for the topic of data analytics (AI, machine learning, big data, digitalization) and the identification and further development of commercial services with regard to new data-based customer solutions.
+49 175 7767120
Portraitfoto von Lynn Mazur

Lynn Mazur

Project Management Associate Hi-Acts
Supports the platform management in the area of project controlling and management and is responsible for various Hi-Acts events.
+49 170 3312670
Portraitfoto von Maike Bierbaum

Maike Bierbaum

Communications Officer Innovation, Transfer and LifeSciences / Temporary PR Lead
Communicates all topics in the area of innovation and transfer internally and externally. Takes care of press inquiries and events. Ensures close networking with other communication departments at DESY. Provides communications support for topics related to health research taking place at DESY.
+49 (0)40 8998 4578
Portraitfoto von Kristina Müller

Kristina Müller

Communications Officer, Innovationskommunikation
Takes charge of the technology marketing and ensures that DESY's innovation topics reach the public via digital channels, press relations and events.
+49 (0)40 8998 5854

DESY Innovation Factory Project Team

The team is responsible for the realisation and design of the DESY Innovation Factory, the start-up campus at DESY for young companies and visionaries.

Portraitfoto von Hansjoerg Wiese

Hansjoerg Wiese

Project Leader DESY Innovation Factory
Leads the conception of the DESY Innovation Factory and, together with his team, is strategically planning the implementation of the technology and start-up center to make it a driving force for progress and development.
+49 (0)40 8998 1827
Portraitfoto von Dr. Anja Burkhardt

Dr. Anja Burkhardt

Instrumentation DESY Innovation Factory
With her expertise and passion for technological innovation, she designs the equipment for the DESY Innovation Factory. As a driving force, she develops solutions for this outstanding location of technological excellence and innovation.
+49 (0)40 8998 1775
Portraitfoto von Nina Martens

Nina Martens

Project Management Desy Innovation Factory
As an experienced project manager with a passion for structured processes and communication with various stakeholders, she is an important resource for the creation of DESY's integrated technology and start-up center.
+49 (0)40 8998 4817
Portraitfoto von Mihail Petev

Mihail Petev

Instrumentation Desy Innovation Factory
Supports the DESY Innovation Factory team in lab management, user support, and community management. His background includes the technological start-up environment and academic activities in photonics and optoelectronic devices.